
She Kicked Her Brother Out For Bringing Her Estranged Dad To Her House And Blatantly Disrespecting Her Boundaries - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - pictured above a young woman folds her arms together

This 28-year-old woman has been estranged from her 55-year-old father for the past decade. He was abusive during her childhood, and after she spent years going to therapy, she ultimately decided to cut her father out of her life.

Her 24-year-old brother, on the other hand, didn’t do the same. In fact, her brother has continued to have a relationship with their dad.

“And while I don’t agree with it, I’ve tried to respect their bond,” she said.

“I’ve made it clear, though, that I do not want him in my life, and I don’t want to hear about him.”

Unfortunately, her brother totally disregarded her feelings the other day and actually invited her father to her home behind her back.

The situation began a few weeks ago when her brother went over to her house to hang out. And while they were just chatting, he randomly mentioned that he planned to bring their father over in order to “patch things up” with her.

“I was shocked and told him that under no circumstances should our father be coming to my home,” she recalled.

She also reiterated how she had no interest in ever talking to their father again.

Yet, just yesterday, her brother had the nerve to show up with their father anyway. She was understandably livid and told them both to leave. Plus, she accused her brother of disrespecting her boundaries. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a young woman folds her arms together

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