
His Late Grandfather Left Him $50,000, So His Struggling Brother Asked For $30,000 Of His Inheritance, But He’s Refusing To Share The Funds

ajr_images - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old guy recently received $50,000 from his late grandfather’s estate, and now his brother is after a large chunk of the cash.

For some context, before his grandfather passed away, he was extremely close to him. He’d visit his grandfather every single week, especially as he aged and started suffering deteriorating health.

“I was there through it all, taking him to doctor’s appointments, helping around the house, and sometimes just sitting with him while he watched his favorite shows,” he explained.

“He was like a second father to me, and when he passed, it hit me hard.”

His 27-year-old brother, Matt, on the other hand, had a very different relationship with their grandfather. Sure, Matt loved him, but his brother was constantly busy.

Apparently, Matt lived a few hours away, started a family with his wife, and worked a demanding job. So, while his brother would visit for special occasions and holidays, that was the extent of Matt’s relationship with their grandfather.

That’s why, when his grandfather’s will was read, he found out that he was inheriting $50,000; meanwhile, Matt received a few sentimental belongings, including an old watch.

“I didn’t expect it, but I think Grandpa knew how much I had sacrificed to be there for him in those last years,” he said.

“I loved him and never did any of it for the money, but when I got it, I felt like it was his way of saying thank you.”

ajr_images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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