
She’s Being Pressured To Raise Her 4-Year-Old Nephew After Her Sister Quit Her Job, Abandoned Him, And Left To Go On A Soul-Searching Trip

satura_ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 21-year-old woman is currently in college and working part-time on the side, so she is “barely” able to manage her own life at the moment.

Yet, she’s now being expected to help raise her 4-year-old nephew, who was abandoned by her sister.

For some context, her sister is 27 years old and has always been more of a “free spirit” than a responsible person. Recently, her sister also just left her nephew with their parents and completely disappeared.

“My sister quit her job, packed a bag, and went on some ‘soul-searching’ trip, leaving no real explanation beyond a vague text saying she ‘needed to find herself,'” she revealed.

This left her parents in a precarious position since they’re getting older, and caring for such a young kid is taking a big toll on them. So, her parents have actually begun hinting that she should “step up” and take on more caregiving responsibilities for her nephew.

Then, these hints slowly turned into her parents directly suggesting that she care for her nephew full-time, basically becoming his legal guardian.

She clarified that she loves her nephew. But that doesn’t mean she is in the position to be a mother right now.

“I have my studies, a tight budget, and no space for a child in my life,” she reasoned.

She told her parents and her sister that as well and claimed that while she was happy to babysit from time to time, she couldn’t take full responsibility for her nephew. After all, he was her sister’s kid, not hers.

satura_ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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