
He Went On A Second Date With A Girl Who Paid $480 For Their Dinner

Beautiful young couple with glasses of red wine in luxury restaurant.Focus on girl
mintybear - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It’s a terrible feeling to be out on a date with someone and feel like they’re taking advantage of you or using you for something.

Now, this guy acknowledges that many people discuss splitting the bill equally while out on a date, and he doesn’t like that.

“Personally, I’m the kind of guy who likes to invite and pay, not just on dates, but even when I’m out with friends,” he explained.

“So, I took this incredibly beautiful girl to a mid-range restaurant for a date. The bill came to $120, and she offered to split it, but I refused and paid.”

A couple of days after this first date, the girl asked him if they could go on a second date. But she picked out a much fancier restaurant.

He figured perhaps they would have one glass of wine and call it a night since it was such a pricey place.

He was horrified when this girl ordered a bottle of wine that cost $150 and tried to calm himself down.

“But then, she went ahead and ordered steaks for both of us and a bunch of appetizers. I started feeling like I was being taken advantage of and thought to myself, “This isn’t cool,” he added.

“I didn’t say anything and acted like everything was fine, but inside, I knew I didn’t want to date her again.”

Beautiful young couple with glasses of red wine in luxury restaurant.Focus on girl
mintybear – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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