She’s Been On A Few Dates With A Guy Who Thinks The Worst People Are Rich, And He Doesn’t Know She’s A Multi-Millionaire

asean studio
asean studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 28-year-old woman has gone on about five excellent dates so far with a 29-year-old man. This guy is easy for her to talk to and makes her feel safe, which is a priority for her.

They connect on an intellectual level as well as a physical level, and she’s never felt a spark like this pop up so quickly.

It hasn’t taken long for them to really like one another, and she knows he’s extremely interested in her, too, since he candidly talks about this.

He’s super intelligent, full of ambition, and talented in his career (which doesn’t pay well since it’s a creative position).

“I work in a high-paying industry (e.g., finance), and he knows this, and he also knows that I have my own one-bedroom apartment in a trendy neighborhood in the most expensive city in our country, so he definitely knows I’m very well off,” she explained.

“I’m pretty sure I make about 10x his salary annually, but that’s not the main source of potential weirdness: I also have $2M in liquid assets because of an unexpected windfall.”

“This money wasn’t a gift, but I got it through dumb luck—a company I worked for went public, and its valuation exploded, so my equity 20xed. The $2M is the post-tax value after selling.”

The guy she’s dating has made several remarks to her regarding how he thinks “the worst people end up with money.”

She doesn’t think he’s taking shots at her, as he doesn’t know she’s a multi-millionaire; she thinks he’s talking about famous, wealthy people.

asean studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

He also has quipped that the best things you can have in life are things you cannot buy. While these comments on their own wouldn’t be alarming to her, it’s the tone this guy uses and the frequency in which he brings this up that has her believing he would judge her if he had any idea how much money she spends on the regular.

Since he talks in a negative way about rich people and money, she’s not convinced he’s going to take it the right way when he eventually finds out about her wealth.

“For example, the boots I wore on our second date cost as much as his share of his rent,” she said.

“The comparison feels distasteful, but that’s the sort of way he frames things sometimes when talking more abstractly.”

“It makes me feel embarrassed and also like I’m maybe lying to him, and he wouldn’t actually like me if he knew that I spend money in ways he might consider frivolous.”

She would hate to stop dating him, but she’s failing to see how they will be compatible due to their views on money.

“I don’t want to overthink this because it’s so early, but the only reason I’m thinking about it is because of the frequency of his little comments, even if they’re innocuous on their face,” she concluded.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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