
Her Fiancé Flipped On Her Over A Sandwich, So She’s Thinking Of Breaking Up With Him

Young man eating lunch and using phone on stairs in the city
baranq - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman says that the first four or five years of her relationship with her 35-year-old fiancé were absolutely wonderful.

But then, their connection began to deteriorate. They’ve now been with one another for more than nine years, and it’s been feeling like they’ve been approaching the end of their time together for a while.

Mainly, it dawned on her that her fiancé was quick to come up with reasons for not being able to help her clean their home or even cook.

She would beg him to please pitch in, but he would refuse. From there, he began to make her believe it was a major inconvenience for him to travel with her to go visit her family.

He would make nasty comments, driving her to tears. He also made the holidays so miserable she suddenly had panic attacks.

He cannot communicate in a way that’s healthy or effective, and he doesn’t really try to apologize when he hurts her feelings.

“I’ve been on the ‘last straw’ mark for a few years now, but I always end up forgiving him because, I mean, I love him,” she explained.

“It’s kind of like the saying “When it’s great, it’s really great, but when it’s bad, it’s really bad.”

Earlier this week, they both had a day off from work, so they thought it would be a great use of their time to get some errands completed and then head to a local sandwich shop to have lunch.

Young man eating lunch and using phone on stairs in the city
baranq – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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