
5 Of The Creepiest Things These Graveyard Shift Workers Have Ever Encountered

Silhouette of a young man on the panoramic window background with the glass of vine in her hand and is looking on the night city landscape with stars on the sky.
volhavasilevich - - illustrative purposes only

Everything in the world comes across as eerie after the sun goes down, and all you’re left with is a dark night.

But add in working a graveyard shift, and you’re sure to encounter some crazy things. Here are 5 of the creepiest things these graveyard shift workers have ever encountered.

A Man In Their Hospital Morgue Wasn’t Actually Dead

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stokkete – – illustrative purposes only

Reddit user TheJooce used to work in the IT department of a hospital, and he had to do a lot of overnight shifts in order to roll out new technology or be on call in case issues happened.

“The thing that struck me as oddest was when I saw the coroner running at full speed down the corridor, in the opposite direction, towards the morgue,” he said.

“This guy, an older guy in his 50s or so, was going at full speed! I had never seen him above an amble before, but this time, he was really going for it. As he got close to me, he yelled, “Out of the way – I got another live one!”

“I am not sure what was more disturbing, the fact that he was dealing with what I could only assume was a dead body that now appeared to be alive or the fact he said “another.”

He Saw A Man’s Brain

Silhouette of a young man on the panoramic window background with the glass of vine in her hand and is looking on the night city landscape with stars on the sky.
volhavasilevich – – illustrative purposes only

Reddit User Ruud07 worked the night shift at the front desk of a hotel, and he says it’s as intriguing as you think. One evening, a college baseball team was staying there, along with their coaches. The actual team arrived back at the hotel at 11 p.m. and went straight to their rooms.

At 1 a.m., the coaches returned, and they had way too much to drink. They also retired to their rooms, and all was quiet for the next hour.

Around 2 or 3 a.m., while he was setting everything up for breakfast, one of the coaches went sprinting out of the elevator and through the front door of the hotel.

“He comes running back inside shouting, “He fell! He fell!” I run outside while pulling out my phone and dialing 911 to see one of the coaches who had come back face down on the ground in a HUGE puddle of blood,” he explained.

“I have had a bit of rescue training, so I knew to put him in the rescue position so he wouldn’t choke on his own blood. The paramedics got there, and as they were loading him up, one of them wiped off his forehead, and there it was. The guy had fallen out of a 3rd story window straight on his forehead and split it open so wide and deep; you could see his brain. He was life-flighted up to the bigger hospital up north. He lived. I got a raise the next day.”

She Got Strange 911 Calls Of Someone Screaming

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Rymden –

Reddit user Queen Coyote works as a 911 dispatcher, and every single night, she would receive a call from the same number, and what she heard on the other end of the line was terrifying.

The person would scream, although occasionally there was white noise, and the line would go dead.

It scared her nearly to death. The call came from an actual address, though the residence was vacant.

“The officers we sent out every time never found a thing, and I was repeatedly assured that the sounds on the line were due to a faulty phone line or the rain, but it never stopped bothering me,” she said.

He Felt Death In A Nursing Home

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evgris – – illustrative purposes only

Reddit user twoworldsin1 used to be a late-night pizza delivery diver. The tips were great, and the people he met were a good time. At 1 a.m. one night, he had to deliver to a nursing home, and sometimes the graveyard shift nurses liked to order pizza.

As soon as he arrived, he called to be let in, and he had to walk all the way to the very back of the nursing home, where the nurses’ station was located. While he made his way there, he passed by the rooms of the residents. Some of the people were sleeping, some were watching TV.

One woman in particular caught his eye; she was a tiny little thing withering away in her bed. As he walked by her, he felt the presence of death, and he knows it sounds crazy.

“I never really bothered to check up, and I’m not sure how I’d confirm it now, but I think that lady had died that night, and I was witnessing it,” he added.

“I think I passed Death in the halls of that nursing home while delivering pizzas. Not Death, as some kind of bony Grim Reaper personification, but Death as an impersonal force. The air felt heavy in some way and old and musty.”

“People sometimes say that when they sense death, they feel some kind of cold…I didn’t feel cold, but it just felt like…sort [of] like being in a room full of old clocks and each clock was winding down. It felt like everything was winding down and slowing down and nearing its end. That’s what Death felt like to me in the hall of that nursing home that night-like everything was winding down.”

He Got Shot At While Refueling A School Bus In Chicago

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marchello74 – – illustrative purposes only

Reddit user Pop-up-king has a unique job where he drives around Chicago acting as a gas station on wheels.

One evening, he was refueling a couple of school buses located in the ghetto when he got shot at. Since he had to wear a bright headlight on his head, he knew he made a visible target.

He called the cops, as clearly the person shooting at him was located directly across the street from where he was, but they didn’t bother coming to help him out.

“I did finish fueling the buses though…without my head light while crawling around on the gravel doing some tactical rolls…for the children,” he concluded.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.
