
Her Boyfriend Of Five Years Was Uninvited From Her Sister’s Wedding Since They’re Not Married Yet, And It Feels Like A Slap In The Face To Their Relationship

New Africa
New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who’s 32, have been dating for nearly five years, and they’ve built a whole life together. They share an apartment and split all of their expenses. They’re even planning to tie the knot in the future.

“He’s been by my side through a lot of major life moments, and he’s become an important part of my family’s life, too,” she explained.

“My parents and siblings know him well, and he’s always been included in family holidays, dinners, and even trips.”

So now that her little 26-year-old sister is getting married in just a few months, it wasn’t a shock that her boyfriend was invited as her plus-one. She figured that was expected, given the fact they’d been in a long-term relationship for a while and how integrated her boyfriend had become in her family.

But then, just last week, her sister called, claimed to be changing the plan for her nuptials, and revealed her boyfriend was actually uninvited.

Her sister suddenly wanted to keep the event small and have only family members there. And her sister stated that, since they weren’t wed, her boyfriend wasn’t “technically” family yet.

She was completely caught off guard by that and tried to talk to her sister about it.

“My boyfriend has always been treated like family by everyone, and I couldn’t understand why he was suddenly being excluded from such a big event. I told her I didn’t think it was fair,” she recalled.

Her sister couldn’t be reasoned with, though, and kept insisting that her boyfriend skipping the wedding would “simplify things.” Apparently, her sister didn’t want to have to explain why he got to attend when they were just dating. Meanwhile, other distant relatives weren’t there.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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