
He Was Nearly Kidnapped While Walking Alone In His Wealthy Neighborhood One Night

Fantastic glow luxury neighborhood at night
karamysh - - illustrative purposes only

Standing at more than six feet tall, this young man certainly doesn’t seem like an easy target. He enjoys taking walks alone at night in his neighborhood, and since he lives in a very wealthy, residential place, he’s never considered it to be anything but safe.

Where he lives, there’s a trail you can walk down that’s located within eyesight of every home in the area.

One night, he was out walking the trail a few years ago, and he was in his teens at the time. He was dressed in an oversized hoodie, as he felt it made him look more intimidating.

Not long into his journey that evening, he picked up on someone walking a couple of hundred feet behind him.

He knew this was strange, as it was 10 p.m. and nobody really was out and about at such a late hour.

Initially, he reassured himself by saying it’s a public place, and this person perhaps had the same idea as him and wanted to get a little fresh air.

“I continued on for roughly five to ten minutes or so before looking behind me once more, only to find the same person still trailing me,” he explained.

“Keep in mind, at this point, I’d gone through a few turns by now on the trail, meaning it was becoming more and more unlikely that this person just so happened to be going to the same location.”

“I decided to take odd paths and directions, turning off into gravel and weirder, more roundabout side areas, and they still followed me. By the time I was reaching the apex of my journey, passing by the local park, they were maybe less than sixty feet behind me, a distance they could easily have covered in seconds.”

Fantastic glow luxury neighborhood at night
karamysh – – illustrative purposes only

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