
His New Neighbor’s Angry With Him For Not Paying Her Son $5 To Cut His Lawn

Suburban home in early Autumn as the leaves begin to turn
Jo Ann Snover - - illustrative purposes only

This 29-year-old man just moved into a home he purchased, and he really does enjoy his new neighborhood.

Several of his neighbors have actually dropped by to introduce themselves, including a 43-year-old woman and her son, 13.

One day, he was sitting on his couch when he noticed his neighbor’s son mowing his front lawn. He was puzzled over this, as he never requested to have this kid help him out, nor did this kid offer.

“I went out and politely asked him why he was doing it – he said he did it for lots of neighbors, and quickly added they give him $5 for it,” he explained.

“I found it really weird, so [I] thanked him for the partial work he’d done before explaining that since I hadn’t asked or wanted him to do it, I wasn’t going to be paying him. He said OK and quietly left my lawn.”

“I figured that might be the end of it – just a kid trying to make some money, resolved with no harm done, end of story. But the next day, his mom arrived on my doorstep and angrily asked me why I hadn’t paid her son.”

He told her the same thing he had told her son earlier, but she would not hear him out. His neighbor simply repeated that her son was doing something nice for him – something he does for all the other people on their block.

She insisted $5 is hardly a lot of cash, and so he should have handed it over to her son when he came over.

He tried to interject and say his neighbor’s son should have asked before mowing his lawn, and since that never happened, this whole thing is a money grab. His neighbor turned around and walked off as he was in the middle of speaking to her.

Suburban home in early Autumn as the leaves begin to turn
Jo Ann Snover – – illustrative purposes only

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