Her Best Friend Lied About Her Boyfriend So He Would Get Dumped, Then Hooked Up With Him

Olga Krivokoneva - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Olga Krivokoneva - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old girl and her 24-year-old boyfriend began as friends with benefits for a month, but then they quickly entered into a committed relationship.

They were together for only two months in an official capacity, which she knows isn’t a long time, but she felt that they had an incredible bond.

Two weeks back, her best friend sent her a text stating she witnessed her boyfriend getting too cozy with some random girl in a cafe. Then, her best friend alleged that she saw her boyfriend kiss this other girl.

Feeling heartbroken over the news, she phoned up her boyfriend about it, but he maintained that he never kissed someone.

“This was my best friend for so long, and I couldn’t possibly think that she would lie to me, and I broke up with my boyfriend,” she explained.

“The last message from him was, “The truth is I never cheated, but you’ve already made up your mind that I did, so I’m not going to try to convince you otherwise. Hope all turns out good for you.” I thought he was gaslighting me, and I ignored it and blocked him.”

On Monday night, she was texting back and forth with her best friend, who claimed she was at home, but when she noticed her location, she could tell her best friend was lying.

Her best friend’s location was in an entirely different town, so curiosity got the best of her, and she checked further into where her best friend actually was.

It turns out that her best friend was in her boyfriend’s apartment complex, so she made the trip out there to see what was going on for herself.

Olga Krivokoneva – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She knocked on his front door, and lo and behold, her best friend was inside his apartment. She got into a screaming match with her best friend, who confessed that she had lied about her boyfriend in order to get her to dump him.

Apparently, her best friend found him hot and wanted him for herself. Her boyfriend and bestie hooked up a total of three times, by the way, after she was done with him.

Her boyfriend kicked her best friend out of his apartment, and then they had a long conversation where her boyfriend said it was ridiculous of her to have dumped him without evidence.

He promised that two days after the breakup he started hooking up with her best friend, but that he never was unfaithful while they were in a relationship.

She spent that evening with him, and she’s interested in resuming a relationship, which he wants too.

She has since cut contact with her best friend and informed their mutual friends about how much of a backstabber she is.

“My boyfriend texted me to clear my weekend, pack enough for a couple of days, and come to his place on Friday after work, so clearly he has something planned out for us,” she continued.

“My entire ability to trust anyone is beyond destroyed right now, and I’m afraid of being insecure and being a bad girlfriend because of this.”

“I never would have thought that I would be in this situation, and it’s absolutely draining. What can I do to help with my obvious trust issues, and what should the two of us do to rebuild our relationship?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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