
Her Daughter Was Caught Cheating, So She’s Forcing Her To Pay For Her Own College Applications And Tests As Punishment

Kobus Louw/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a daughter named Lily, who is currently a junior in high school. She recently got a call from Lily’s school, saying she needs to be picked up since she was caught in the middle of cheating on her SAT practice exam.

She later discovered that Lily’s friend Sam was caught cheating along with her. Lily’s practice score was canceled, but her school is allowing her to take the exam again.

Luckily, Lily’s cheating episode will not be documented in any way, so it can’t negatively influence her future.

“When I talked to Lily about what happened, she told me that Sam’s mother was going to punish Sam if she didn’t earn an exceptionally high score,” she explained.

“And Sam had, in turn, put pressure on my daughter to help her cheat. I have felt for a long time that Sam is not a genuine friend to Lily and has been trying to hold my daughter back to feel better about her own poor choices.”

“And I had spoken to Lily about this before, and to not let Sam manipulate her into anything she knows is wrong. Lily told me that she had understood yet did this.”

As punishment for cheating, she informed Lily that she needs to go out and make some money of her own since she’s now responsible for paying for her college applications and tests.

She told Lily she could walk some of their neighbor’s dogs or babysit in order to start saving up to pay for this.

Lily has plenty of time to get the money together to pay for her tests and applications, and if she’s wise with her spending, it won’t be hard. She doesn’t ask Lily to pay for anything else in her life.

Kobus Louw/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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