Her Mother Got Her 3-Year-Old Daughter’s Ears Pierced Behind Her Back, So Now She’s Never Letting Her Mom Babysit Ever Again

Mia_Bon - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Mia_Bon - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman is currently married, and she and her husband have a 3-year-old daughter named Lily. In regards to their parenting style, they are quite laid back, too.

“But one thing we’ve always been clear on is that we want Lily to be able to make her own decisions when it comes to things like piercings or body modifications when she’s old enough to understand,” she explained.

Unfortunately, her mother just doesn’t get that. Her mom is a super traditional woman who believes it’s important to “make girls look pretty,” starting when they were young.

That’s why, ever since her daughter was born, her mom has been pestering her to pierce Lily’s ears – claiming it was a “rite of passage.”

She never succumbed to the pressure, though, and always politely turned her mom down. She also told her mom that once Lily was old enough to make that choice herself, then she’d allow her daughter to do it.

Well, just last weekend, her and her husband’s wishes were completely disregarded.

It all began when they had to go to an event, and her mom offered to babysit Lily that night.

“My mom’s always been a great grandmother, so we didn’t think twice about leaving Lily with her,” she recalled.

Yet, after she and her husband arrived to pick up their daughter later on, they noticed Lily was behaving strangely. The little girl was acting fussy and messing with her ears.

Mia_Bon – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

That’s when she realized her mom had gotten Lily’s ears pierced behind her back, and she was livid.

She immediately confronted her mom about it, but her mom didn’t even seem remorseful.

“My mom just smiled and said, ‘I finally took care of it for you. You’ll thank me later when she looks like a proper little girl,'” she revealed.

“She had taken Lily to a jewelry store and had her ears pierced without even consulting me or my husband.”

She wound up freaking out on her mom and saying she had no right to do that. Her mom, on the other hand, kept acting like she was overreacting.

Plus, she got called dramatic and was told Lily just got earrings, not a tattoo or something.

Anyway, upon arriving home, it was obvious that her daughter was uncomfortable and in pain.

Lily kept trying to tug the earrings out, so she and her husband had to carefully remove the jewelry while her daughter was crying the entire time.

“My husband was equally furious and said that we should never let my mother babysit again,” she added.

However, her mother has begun “playing the victim” and gossiping about the situation to other family members – calling her ungrateful.

“My mom’s saying she was only ‘trying to help’ and that it’s ‘tradition’ for little girls to get their ears pierced,” she vented.

Some relatives have taken her mom’s side, stating it’s not a big deal and that she’s “punishing” her mom by revoking babysitting privileges.

So, while she genuinely feels like her mom crossed a line, the fact that her whole family has gotten involved is making her second-guess herself.

Now, she can’t help but wonder if never letting her mother babysit Lily again after the ear-piercing incident is actually too harsh.

Did her mom blatantly disregard a boundary? How would you have reacted?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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