
She Told Her Friend Not To Bring Her Baby On Their Girl’s Trip, But Now She’s Getting Accused Of Prioritizing Fun Over Their Friendship

C Haas/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For months now, this 26-year-old woman has been planning a girl’s trip with her three best friends. Since they all lead very busy lives, it took a ton of coordination for everyone to get the same period of time off from work – not to mention organize the entire vacation.

“We’re going to a beach resort for a long weekend – just relaxing, partying a bit, and having fun together like we used to,” she explained.

However, one of her 27-year-old friends named Maya recently threw a wrench in their plans.

For some context, around six months ago, Maya had a baby, and they’d all been super supportive. She and her friends were there for Maya both throughout the pregnancy and after the birth.

Still, she was completely caught off guard when Maya asked to bring the baby along on their girl’s trip.

She made it clear that she loves her friend as well as her child. Even so, she was looking forward to the girl’s trip as an escape to unwind and be carefree like they were in the past.

“We’ve been talking about doing this for years, and this was finally our chance. I didn’t think it would be the same vibe with a baby there,” she said.

She tried telling Maya that, too, and suggested that either her friend’s husband or other family members could watch her baby over the weekend. That way, Maya could also get some free time.

Unfortunately, her friend ended up getting really offended and accusing her of being inconsiderate. Maya even stated that just because she became a mom doesn’t mean she should be excluded from outings.

C Haas/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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