Her Roommate Is Outrageously Impulsive And Keeps Bringing Home Pets She Doesn’t Care About

Mila Supinskaya - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog
Mila Supinskaya - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

This 20-year-old girl has a roommate the same age as her, who has also been her best friend in the whole world for more than five years now.

She deeply cares about her roommate, but living with her has opened her eyes to how much of a walking red flag this girl is.

Her biggest problem with her roommate is how outrageously impulsive she is, and this mostly surrounds her roommate continuously getting new pets, which she then stops caring about.

“At first it was a cat, which she really liked at first,” she explained. “Then she stopped really “liking” the cat, so the cat stopped liking her.”

“That was fine because I like the cat, and she gets along well enough with my pets. Then, she spent somewhere above $750 dollars on a dog (including adoption fees, toys, and supplies). Three days later, she decided the dog was too much to handle and returned him to the shelter.”

“She sold all of the dog supplies at an extreme price drop, so she essentially wasted almost a grand on NOT getting a dog. A month later, she adopted an elderly cat who passed away a few months later. He was a sweetheart.”

But then, two months ago, her roommate adopted a second dog without paying attention to this poor pup’s history.

This dog ended up being super aggressive towards cats, so her roommate had to get rid of the dog since they already have felines in their home.

Her roommate wasted an additional $700 on this dog after returning the dog. Just two weeks after this recent dog incident, her roommate adopted another cat.

Mila Supinskaya – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

This cat is a doll, and he keeps to himself. Suddenly, her roommate’s older cat has been acting off and irritated, but her roommate is refusing to bring the cat to the vet.

“Instead, she told me last week she’s looking to rehome the first cat,” she said. “Today, I found out she’s actually planning to rehome BOTH cats, which just completely baffles me.”

“She JUST got this new cat and already wants it gone, and she won’t tell me why. So that’s the pet thing.”

“Then there’s the fact that she quit a new job that paid much better on the FIRST DAY because she found out that she didn’t like someone that USED to work there. She spent a hundred dollars thrifting a new wardrobe just to quit on the first day.”

Her roommate’s impulsiveness is not exclusive to pets and her career. Two days ago, her roommate suggested that she purchase a used car from one of her family members.

Her roommate said she didn’t need to go see the car first and offered to drive it home for her without license plates late at night so there would be no risk of her getting pulled over. She put her foot down and refused to go along with her roommate’s insane plan.

Next up is the mess that is her roommate’s dating life. Her roommate is looking for something with no strings attached, but she hasn’t been able to find anyone except a girl who has charges against her and has serious, communicable health issues.

She pleaded with her roommate not to go on a date so as not to risk her health, and finally, her roommate caved and canceled.

But six hours later, the date was back on and will be happening in three more days. She’s kept on begging her roommate not to go, and she even pointed out to her roommate that if she catches what this girl has, she will need to pay to be on a specific medication for the remainder of her life.

“Her response to that was, “I’ve got really good health care,” she added. “Which is completely infuriating because she only has good health care up until she gets kicked off of it as soon as she’s too old to be on her dad’s plan.”

“She just keeps making these terrible decisions, and nothing I say seems to help. She’s blocked a close friend of hers just because he told her she can’t afford to pay for huge purchases.”

“I feel like I’m watching her blow her entire life up, and I don’t know what to do. What do I do to rectify this situation?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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