
Her Boyfriend Wants Her To Help Pay Child Support On His Kid

BullRun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the last three and a half years, this 33-year-old woman has been dating her 34-year-old boyfriend, and she lived with him for over a year.

She actually moved out not too long ago because she didn’t think they were going forward, and they had too many ups and then downs.

She found a new apartment to move into and was on the verge of cutting her boyfriend out of her life when it dawned on her that she’s truly in love with him and wants to make it work.

She’s been going to therapy for years, and her boyfriend just started going on his own, too, in an effort to help fix their relationship.

They even did a few sessions with a therapist together in order to work through their communication and learn how to argue in a healthy way.

Currently, her boyfriend is saying that he would like her to move back into his place when the lease is up with her apartment.

Her boyfriend works as an electrician and makes double what she earns every year, but that doesn’t include all of the side jobs he takes on.

Her boyfriend does have some credit card debt that he’s planning on paying off within the next three years.

“If I moved back, I would be commuting 2 hours each way, twice a week, to get into work, which is roughly $150/month,” she explained.

BullRun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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