Her Sister’s Kid Screams Like He’s In A Horror Movie, But Her Sister Can’t Understand Why She Won’t Babysit Him Anymore
Have you ever been in that uncomfortable position where you have a friend or relative with a horribly behaved child and don’t want to be around them that often?
One young woman was recently called a “baby hater” by her sister for agreeing to babysit her friend’s baby over her destructive nephew.
She’s 23 and has a 30-year-old sister with a four-year-old son. Her sister is a single mom, as her son’s father is out of the picture. Therefore, in the past, her sister has asked her for babysitting help so she can get a break.
But, after a few incidents with her nephew, she doesn’t want to have to watch him anymore.
“That kid is a nightmare to be around,” she said.
“It’s not his fault; it’s my sister’s fault. He very clearly has behavioral and mental health disorders, even at his young age. However, my sister was and is very ablest and refuses to accept that her son has problems.”
Her nephew has the tendency to scream like he’s in a horror movie anytime something doesn’t go his way, and he cries for long periods if something triggers him in any way, like a certain sound or texture.
While she doesn’t blame her nephew for these issues, she’s upset with her sister for not getting him help.
Now, anytime her sister asks or tells her to babysit her nephew, she says no. Ever since she started saying no, there’s been a lot of bickering in her family.
On the other hand, she does have a friend who is her age, is married, and has a baby boy. Since he was born, her friends have very politely asked her to babysit him from time to time, and she happily accepts the job.
“Their kid is calm, well-behaved, and a generally good baby to be around,” she said.
“I love babysitting him. Also, they asked me nicely and understood that I might say no because I’m child-free. They were polite about their request.”
Over the weekend, her friends asked her to babysit their son at her house, and she said yes. Not long after, her sister called and asked her to babysit her nephew on the same day.
She told her sister no and explained why. Her sister became extremely angry and quickly started accusing her of being a bad sister.
The drama didn’t end there, as things got more intense on the day she was babysitting for her friends. Her sister showed up outside her house with her son in tow and began banging on her front door.
Her sister, who was clearly trying to drop her son off, started yelling that she was a “baby hater” and needed to do her “sisterly duties.”
She put her friend’s baby down and had to tell her sister through her window that if she didn’t leave, she’d call the cops.
Her sister eventually left, and when she realized her doorbell camera had captured the entire incident, she sent the footage to their family group chat.
“She keeps arguing with me about how I’d rather babysit a kid not even related to me over my nephew,” she added.
“I reminded her that her kid is a nightmare to be around, but she keeps saying that you help out for the family.”
“My sister has been cold since and keeps sending me text messages to provoke me into arguing with her more.”
Unfortunately, her other family members aren’t much help, and they keep siding with her sister.
What would you do if you were in her position?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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