
She’s Pregnant And Her Husband Left Her As Soon As His Ex Wanted Him Back

Ivan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Ivan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Around five years ago, this 28-year-old woman met her 29-year-old husband, James, after he moved to Tacoma, Washington.

They met at her company’s New Year’s Eve party, and her boss introduced them. She can’t lie; she instantly felt some kind of connection to James.

As the evening came to an end, James walked up to her and asked if she would give him a tour of their city, as he was new to the area.

She knew that was code for him seeing if she was interested in a date, and she said yes. From there, they quickly began dating, and James invited her to go on a trip to Boston.

James lived in that city before making the move out to Tacoma, and she got to meet all of his friends when they went to the east coast together.

“They were super nice to me, but I could see that something was off with the way they kept throwing weird glances at James,” she explained.

“As the evening went on, I managed to hear the name Willow being whispered in between them. Later, when we were getting ready to go to bed in the guest room, I asked who Willow was, and James immediately froze before he told me all about her.”

“She had been his first love. They met during high school, started dating when they were both 16, and their relationship ended right before he moved to Washington. Apparently, she just up and left one day, blocking him and their entire friend group everywhere.”

She proceeded to question James about why his friends had shot her strange looks while talking about Willow in hushed tones because she didn’t get it.

Ivan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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