
Her Husband Is Trying To Get Out Of Paying Her Alimony After His Cancer Diagnosis

josemiguelsangar - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This 52-year-old woman and her 56-year-old husband got a divorce due to his wandering ways. Her husband went on to marry the girl he was cheating on her with, who is 20 years younger than she is.

Her now ex-husband met this girl on an app for people looking for specific arrangements, let’s just say, and he paid this girl for her time.

This girl completely knew that her ex was married, but she did what she did anyway and seems to be thrilled to be his new wife.

She and her ex did have a prenup that stated she would get alimony, as she’s been a stay-at-home mom throughout the entire duration of their marriage. They have three daughters.

Looking back now, she’s grateful she thought to protect her own interests. Her ex begged her to be a stay-at-home mom, even though she had a better-paying job than he did at the time.

She only agreed to give up her career because she was blinded by the love she had for her ex, and she thought he truly loved her, too.

“He never had a problem with paying alimony after our divorce,” she explained. “We had to be friendly to maintain a good co-parenting relationship.”

“My daughters were very hurt in the beginning but learned to forgive my husband and his wife. They make TikToks with her all the time now.”

“He ended up getting cancer, and because he became a big spender and had recently started his own business, the bills have been very hard on him.”

josemiguelsangar – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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