She Reported Her Younger Coworker To Her Supervisors For Having A Poor Work Ethic, But Now She’s Starting To Feel Guilty

Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman currently works for a TV company that has a reputation for being pretty cool. So, her position at the company is highly sought after – despite the lack of benefits.

“The job is grossly underpaid, and I personally struggle to make ends meet every week,” she said.

However, she has a younger female coworker – who is 24 – and she really just does not like the girl. Apparently, her coworker is a very rich, pretty, and “privileged” person who she believes only took the job just to be able to say she works at the company.

“As there is no way [my coworker] could live in the luxury she does with my same paycheck,” she explained.

Just recently, they were assigned to work on their first project together, too, and she was very nervous from the start. Still, she tried to keep an open mind and give her coworker the benefit of the doubt.

Well, unfortunately, things just didn’t pan out as planned. Her coworker started messing up their work on a daily basis and didn’t bother to respond to another team at their company – who they really need to communicate with.

“At first, I let it slide because I thought maybe I was being hard on her since she is so young, and maybe I was unconsciously jealous,” she admitted.

But then, after messing up yet again, her coworker actually tried to pin a mistake on her when talking to a supervisor!

This was her final straw, and the next time her coworker messed up, she took matters into her own hands.

Gorodenkoff – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

More specifically, she compiled a bunch of screenshots and evidence proving that her coworker was underperforming.

“I also filled out a review (which we have to do) saying I would not work with her again and rating her a five or six out of 10 (which is like a corporate zero),” she added.

Then, she submitted that to her supervisors, and afterward, management started to come down on her coworker pretty hard.

While she was initially really annoyed by her coworker’s lack of effort, though, she still started to feel pretty guilty after going to their supervisors.

“Maybe because of her age, she can be immature, and maybe I should have talked to her directly instead of stooping down to her level,” she vented.

That’s why she’s now been left wondering if calling her coworker out for having a bad work ethic was justified or crossed a line.

Do you think her coworker deserved to get a bad review after trying to pin a mistake on her? Or did she act too petty? What would you have done?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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