
She Wouldn’t Lend Her Friend $500 Since She Didn’t Want To Enable His Bad Money Management Habits Anymore, But He Said She Wasn’t A True Friend

Alex - - illustrative purposes only
Alex - - illustrative purposes only

This woman has been friends with a guy named John for over 10 years now, ever since they met back in college. The entire time she’s known John, he’s also always been kind of a “free spirit.”

According to her, he’s just never been able to hold down a steady job for a long period of time.

So, throughout their decade-long friendship, she has lent him some money on a few separate occasions whenever he became stuck in a bind.

“But he rarely pays me back and often spends it on things he doesn’t really need,” she revealed.

That’s why, when John recently asked to borrow $500 again, she was understandably hesitant.

John apparently claimed that he needed the cash to pay his rent, but she’d seen him blow money on other unnecessary purchases before. For instance, he would splurge on expensive gadgets or spend nights out on the town.

That’s why, this time, she finally decided to put her foot down and draw a boundary with John.

“I told him that I can’t keep lending him money because I feel like I am enabling his bad habits and financial irresponsibility,” she recalled.

She also suggested that John work on finding a more stable job and, in the meantime, find a financial counselor so he could get some help with his money management.

Alex – – illustrative purposes only

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