
She Made Her Mom Cry When She Said She Feels Invisible Next To Her Severely Disabled Brother

Andreshkova Nastya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 17-year-old girl has a 21-year-old brother who has a couple of severe disabilities that require 24/7 care.

Her 45-year-old dad and 43-year-old mom have to constantly be there for her brother, so she’s pushed off to the side.

“Because of this, I’ve often felt like the “glass kid” — the one who’s expected to quietly manage on her own without causing any extra burden,” she explained.

“Growing up, I learned to be self-sufficient. I did my homework alone, cooked my own meals, and rarely asked for help.”

“While I understand why my parents had to focus so much on my brother, it hasn’t stopped the growing sense of neglect.”

A month ago, she was the star of her school play, and her mom and dad didn’t end up attending the event.

While they promised that they would be there, her brother ended up having an emergency, so they stayed home.

Up on stage, she delivered her performance while staring at the empty seats her mom and dad should have been sitting in.

“Feeling frustrated, I decided to bring it up during a rare family dinner. I told my parents how I felt invisible and wished they could find a way to be there for me sometimes, too,” she said.

Andreshkova Nastya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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