
She Blamed Her Parents For Ruining Her Brother’s Life By Smothering Him And Turning Him Into A Man-Child

Alexa Joy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Alexa Joy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, people are so spoiled by their parents that they simply cannot grow into fully functioning adults.

One woman recently accused her parents of “ruining” her 40-year-old brother because they still do everything for him.

She’s 45, and her younger brother is 40. Since they were little kids, her brother was “the favorite,” and she was always treated as less than.

For instance, when it was time for them to go to college, she had to take out student loans while her parents paid her brother’s tuition in full.

Additionally, her brother would go home from college every weekend so their mom could do his laundry and cook for him while she strived to remain as self-sufficient and independent as possible.

“He can do no wrong in [my parents’] eyes, and they always have made excuses for him,” she explained.

“After this happened, we started to grow apart, and that is just the beginning of what has brought us to the point where we are today.”

After graduating college, she eventually got married and started having kids while her brother moved back home. She and her husband decided to move across the country, and her mom made it obvious that she and her dad would never consider moving anywhere near her and their grandchildren, as they had to stay near her brother.

Twenty years after graduating college, she’s living happily with her husband and kids while her brother is basically in the same place he’s been.

Alexa Joy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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