
She Said Her Brother’s Soon-To-Be Ex-Wife Had A Right To Leave Him Because He’s Not Responsible Enough To Be A Father And May Never Be

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, it can be really hard to bite your tongue when you see your friend getting dumped and understand their ex’s point of view more than theirs.

One woman recently snapped and told her brother that his wife was right to leave him in the middle of his divorce.

She has a 32-year-old brother named Adam, who was married to his 29-year-old college sweetheart, Eve, but they’re now in the process of getting a divorce.

Eve was the one who really wanted a divorce and has already moved out of their home, but Adam has been very much against it and is heartbroken.

“The background is that my brother has ADHD and has never been very good at complying with treatment to help with it,” she explained.

“He’s one of those people with an amazing, bouncy personality, but living with him is a complete nightmare. I know because growing up, I was always expected to pick up his slack.”

Adam is very bad at consistently taking his ADHD medication and has never had luck with therapy.

When Adam and Eve first met and entered a relationship, Adam was still living with his parents, so they stayed on top of him to take his medication and have his act together.

Adam lived with their parents until he and Eve got married and moved in together, which was when their problems started. They started a family, but unfortunately, things never got better, only worse.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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