
Her Boyfriend Told Her She Would Be More Attractive Without A Belly And Shamed Her For Eating Too Much

Astarot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Astarot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I don’t know about you, but the second a guy makes a negative comment about my body, especially if it’s a guy I’m dating or interested in, I become incredibly upset and angry.

One woman recently kicked her boyfriend out after he told her she eats too much.

She’s 29 and has been with her 38-year-old boyfriend for two years, and they’ve known each other for seven. She also has a three-year-old son.

Ever since she and her boyfriend officially got together, he hasn’t held back the occasional negative comment on her body and eating habits.

Her boyfriend will be extremely blunt, flat-out telling her she needs to go to the gym, that he wishes she were more toned, and that he thinks she’d be more attractive if she didn’t have a belly.

While she acknowledges that she’s struggled to get her body back to how it was before she got pregnant since having her son, she’s done a lot to stay as fit and healthy as possible. For instance, over the last two years, she’s gone from her highest weight, 245 pounds, to 166 pounds.

But instead of complimenting or positively encouraging her weight loss, her boyfriend continues to bash her.

“I have expressed how the things he says about my body are hurtful and out of pocket,” she said.

Things came to a head recently when she and her boyfriend were discussing grocery shopping, and she wanted to pick a store and selection of food that was cheaper than his.

Astarot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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