
On A First Date With A Guy, She Told Him About Her Three-Year Rule, And He Freaked Out

Kzenon - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Kzenon - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Have you ever been on a first date with someone who asked you really personal questions? It can throw you off a bit, but in a way, perhaps it’s best to get all those things out in the open so you don’t waste your time.

One woman recently explained to a guy that she’d like to be in a relationship for three years before getting married on a first date, and he freaked out.

She’s 24 and recently went out with a 29-year-old guy named Jake. She met Jake on a dating app, and they went out to dinner a few days ago for their first date.

“At first, I thought things were going really well,” she said.

“In the middle of eating our appetizers, Jake suggested some more personal, thoughtful icebreakers to get to know each other better, and I said okay.”

Jake immediately started hitting her with profound questions, one of which was where she saw herself in one, two, three, four, and then five years.

She decided to get deep with Jake, telling him about her career goals, where she wants to live, how she doesn’t want children, what kind of pet she wants, etc.

Then, Jake wanted to talk about marriage and children, and she explained that she doesn’t want children and doesn’t see marriage as something she necessarily needs to do in her lifetime. She said if the right person came along, she’d consider it.

Jake kept pushing her on the subject of marriage, which she thought was quite strange. Finally, he asked her what she would do if she met a man who checked all of her boxes and was soulmate material. He asked how long it would take her to want to marry him.

Kzenon – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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