
Her Husband Has Been Ridiculously Rude To Her Since She Looks Younger Than He Does

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman has a husband the same age as her, and she says that they’re currently experiencing something pretty strange in their marriage.

While they’re both 32, she looks significantly younger than her actual age. She’s not trying to brag, but it’s the truth, and people frequently tell her they think she’s in her early 20s.

“My husband doesn’t look old, but he does look his age,” she explained. “This is not a bad thing, and it all boils down to genetics, as my parents didn’t start looking older/getting wrinkles until they were in their 50s. Same with most of my family.”

“Recently, he has become very passive-aggressive due to this fact, and he has even accused me of going behind his back to get surgery or treatments to look younger than him on purpose to make him look bad.”

“We literally had an argument that lasted over 3 days and ended up with him not speaking to me for a full day because he had convinced himself that I was going behind his back to get filler/botox/laser treatments, etc. I have never had any work done at all. I just look like this, and he does not like it.”

Yesterday, her husband’s sister came to visit them and show off her wedding photos, as she just got married about two months ago.

She and her husband were in many of the photos, but as soon as her husband saw the first of them, he walked out of the room and told his sister aggressively to leave their house.

She was shocked, as was her husband’s sister, over his outburst. They both attempted to help him calm down, but that made things worse.

Her husband actually screamed right in his sister’s face to get out of the house, so that’s exactly what his sister ended up doing.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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