
He Packed Up His Mother-In-Law’s Stuff And Kicked Her Out After She Hit His Son With A Shoe For Blocking The TV

K Abrahams/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
K Abrahams/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Many couples choose to let one of their parents live with them and their kids for several reasons. Having a grandparent around to live with you and help your family can be very beneficial. However, it doesn’t always work out.

One man recently had to kick his mother-in-law out of his house after she hit one of his kids.

For a while, his wife’s 65-year-old mother lived with them in their house with their family. His mother-in-law claimed to be unable to live alone because she didn’t feel safe in her house.

Unfortunately, the moment she moved in, his mother-in-law was extremely demanding. She insisted on moving into their master bedroom and then told him if he ever tried to move her out, she’d make sure his wife’s entire family turned on him.

“She doesn’t contribute to the bills, [even] though she takes a bath every day and uses the hair dryer and the air conditioning,” he explained.

“She could [at least] help with the chores, [but] no. She says [she’s] too old to do something like that, although she does yoga and goes to the gym.”

Then, this past week, he had enough of his mother-in-law after she did something to his son that made him snap.

One day, he and his wife wouldn’t be getting home from work until an hour later than planned, so he asked his mother-in-law to pick his kids up from school.

“When we got home, the kids weren’t there,” he recalled.

K Abrahams/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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