
He Just Learned That His Girlfriend Has Been Lying To Him For Six Years About Being A Nurse

JustLife - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Six years ago, this 36-year-old man began seeing his 35-year-old girlfriend, and she always maintained that she worked as a registered nurse at a nearby hospital.

Over the years, he never had any reason to doubt that she worked in the career she said she did. However, he recently learned that she’s been lying to him about being a nurse, and he suspects she’s actually a nanny instead.

He made this discovery after his girlfriend allowed someone to use her car on a road trip, and they installed an Airtag in the car with the person’s knowledge to help them feel better about loaning it out.

Several days later, his girlfriend accidentally pocket-dialed him while she was supposed to be at work, and he could clearly hear kids on the other end of the line.

He texted his girlfriend to see if she was alright, and then he realized they never took the Airtag out of her car after it was returned from the road trip.

“When I checked, her car was not at the hospital, but actually at a doctor’s house that she babysits for on the occasional weekend,” he explained.

“That night when she got home, she had this crazy story that she took the train from the hospital and ran into that doctor’s family on the train; that’s why I heard the kids.”

“When I asked her if she parked her car at their house, she said, “No, I left it at the hospital.” I decided that I needed more evidence before I confronted her, so I let that lie go.”

A day later, he checked and saw his girlfriend’s car was once more parked at the doctor’s house for the whole day.

JustLife – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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