
She’s Disappointed About What Her Husband Bought Her For Mother’s Day, As Well As The Dinner Plans He Came Up With

Lyubov - - illustrative purposes only

This woman is currently married, and she thinks her husband is wonderful. While she loves him to pieces, though, she cannot understand his thought process behind her gift for Mother’s Day this year.

For some context, their anniversary was back in March, and he got a Groupon for a sake tasting as her present. She thought that was a “fine” idea, too, and didn’t have any problems with it.

“I also got him gifts from me. I don’t consider an anniversary a one-way street in that regard,” she recalled.

Now that Mother’s Day is approaching, she’s also begun thinking about what she’d like as a gift. For instance, she’d love to get a manicure, perhaps get some cheaper lawn ornaments for their yard, or be gifted some cooking ingredients. She doesn’t expect anything extravagant from her husband.

The problem, though, is that he never actually asked her what she wanted. And now, she’s pretty sure that he went ahead and bought her an art piece because she saw their credit card statement.

This isn’t up her alley at all, either, because she’s not the “art person” in their family. Not to mention, they already have three art pieces lying around their home that are yet to even be hung up.

“I’m trying to mentally prepare to be underwhelmed and think of some way to show my appreciation for this gift I do not want,” she explained.

“I’m trying to see his point of view. He’s trying to share something he likes with me… but (perhaps selfishly), I can only feel a bit of disdain that what I would want doesn’t seem to have been considered.”

Until she actually opens her gift on Mother’s Day, she also won’t know if she’s completely right about her present. So, she’s hoping that she’s still able to be “surprised” and that her husband picked out a wonderful gift she’ll really like.

Lyubov – – illustrative purposes only

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