
Her Boyfriend Sent Her A Suspiciously Steamy Photo, And It Seems He Meant To Send It To Another Girl

NesolenayaAleksandra - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Yesterday, this 23-year-old girl was out and about when her 25-year-old boyfriend sent her a suspiciously steamy photo.

It was a selfie he had snapped of him in their bathroom in front of the mirror, and he didn’t have any clothes on.

As for why she found this so alarming, the fact of the matter is she’s been dating her boyfriend for two entire years, and they have never exchanged photos like this. Ever.

They have occasionally sent some fun messages back and forth, but that’s the extent of the excitement.

She thinks their relationship is pretty excellent, so it doesn’t bother her that they don’t really have a heart-racing exchange going on.

It wasn’t just the photo her boyfriend sent that struck her as strange; the caption he added made it really seem like he meant to send this all to another girl.

“What was very weird also is that he wrote: in my bathroom, as you asked, cutie…that was so weird because I never asked for it and he never called me cutie ever (he has a whole other nickname for me),” she explained.

“Also, why [say] something like: in my bathroom? Of course, I know it’s our bathroom; we live together. I thanked him and told him that I enjoyed it, but he didn’t respond.”

After she arrived back home later on, she brought up the photo again and mentioned to her boyfriend it was cool that he sent that to her, even though she did not ask him to do that.

NesolenayaAleksandra – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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