
His Ex-Wife Called Him A Selfish Deadbeat For Flaunting His Money On Social Media

Vasyl - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Vasyl - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man has custody of his children two weekends each month. He and his ex-wife came to this agreement on their own, outside of court.

He’d tried to fight in court for equal custody, but it was too expensive for him to keep battling, so he surrendered and gave up his right to court-mandated custody.

His rent was already a high expense for him, and adding in the child support he had to pay, it was too much money for him to continue going to court to get more custody.

Because of this, the amount he owed each month in child support went up by 10%, but the child support he owed was less than his rent.

So, he moved into his parents’ basement so that he could save up money. Then, a co-worker of his named Richard was on the hunt for an inexpensive apartment to rent out.

He came up with the idea of Richard moving into his parents’ basement while he stayed in his childhood bedroom, which had been converted into a gym.

He knew this would be a lot to expect of his parents, but he walked them through how much they could charge Richard for rent. They agreed, and Richard, whom he now considers his best friend, moved into the basement.

For two years, he lived in his childhood bedroom, and he was grateful that his parents allowed him to do this while he saved up even money to move out. During that time, he only spent money on essentials like food and child support.

He never purchased clothing, took trips, or went anywhere where he would have to spend money. Eventually, he started house hunting, but he wasn’t eligible for a mortgage because of his child support payments.

Vasyl – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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