
She Told Her Friend She’s Weird For Wearing The Engagement Ring Her Ex Gave Her

twinsterphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
twinsterphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman has a 26-year-old friend who got engaged years ago, yet that sadly got called off.

Her friend’s relationship ended more than two years ago now, and her friend no longer speaks to her ex-fiancé.

Her friend has gone on to date a couple of guys following the end of her engagement, but currently, her friend is single and not seeing anyone.

Not too long ago, she noticed that her friend was wearing the engagement ring her ex-fiancé bought for her and proposed with.

Her friend is wearing the engagement ring in a way that appears like she’s still engaged, so it’s sitting on her left hand.

“I could almost understand if she was wearing it to an event or out somewhere that she didn’t want any guys’ attention, but she’s been wearing it every day and on her left hand,” she explained.

“She’s also an aspiring influencer on social media and has flashed the ring in several of her posts.”

“I finally said it was weird she was wearing it. I thought she’d given it back after the engagement ended and told her it wasn’t appropriate to be wearing it like it’s any ordinary piece of jewelry, especially on her left hand.”

“It could also be offensive to her ex’s current girlfriend if she came across the photos and knew it was the ring he’d bought her.”

twinsterphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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