
Her Dad Promised To Buy Her A Specific Car For Her Birthday, But Now He Wants To Buy Her A Different, Older Car, And She Won’t Accept It

Petro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Petro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

On this 16-year-old woman’s birthday, her father promised that he would buy her a 2019 Toyota Corolla for her seventeenth birthday since the driving age is 17, where she lives.

The only conditions her father laid out were that she had to maintain good grades in school, get a job, and have good behavior over the following year.

So, she did exactly that. She got a part-time job at McDonald’s and made sure to earn good grades in school. She also caused no issues at home, aside from a couple of arguments with her mom– which her dad didn’t even know about.

Yet, with just one month until her birthday, which is in January, her dad recently informed her that she wouldn’t be getting the car after all. Instead, her dad claimed that he would be buying her some other old car.

“That I probably wouldn’t buy for myself and definitely not as a gift for someone,” she said.

She also knows that her parents aren’t having money issues, either, because she and her dad already spoke to the dealership, and they even had the exact car she wanted picked out.

So, after finding out about the sudden change of plans, she just told her dad to “forget it” and that she didn’t want the car as a gift anymore.

“Considering he made me waste so much time for a Toyota Corolla, and then he tries to buy me that instead,” she explained.

“I don’t want to be ungrateful, but it just doesn’t seem right to me.”

Petro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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