
She’s Secretly Disappointed That Her Mom Survived Cancer Because Of How Tumultuous Her Childhood Was, And She Feels Like She Just Can’t Escape Her Mom

phoenix021 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
phoenix021 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For her entire life, this 25-year-old woman has struggled with her relationship with her mother.

Unfortunately, her mother, who she described as a narcissist, was addicted to substances and physically and mentally abused her.

This mistreatment ruined anything positive in her life for many years, and in order to cope, she turned to self-harm and other ways of “self-destruction,” and she suffered from terrible depression.

Even now, she still struggles with depression and doesn’t feel like she’s fully healed from what her mother put her through.

Her mother always found ways to make her feel guilty until she caved and did things for her or helped her whenever she tried to escape the horrific living environment that she felt trapped in.

“Fast forward to when I was 14. I finally broke free from her full-time, but then began the battle of her coming in and out of my life, talking me into seeing her and then hurting me again,” she said.

This was a vicious cycle that felt like it would never end until she gave birth to her son when she was 18-years-old.

In her view, the moment she saw her son, he saved her life and gave her purpose.

Now, a child was depending on her, and because of this, she felt like she had to be strong and not just survive but live fully.

phoenix021 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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