
She’s Sharing A Hilarious, Foolproof Strategy For Getting Out Of Dates Without Outright Rejecting Guys

Anatoliy Karlyuk -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Anatoliy Karlyuk - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

People are always looking for ways to get someone to fall in love with them. But have you ever stopped to consider that the opposite is just as common?

Sometimes, we’re faced with a situation where we just don’t reciprocate the other person’s feelings, and we need to find some way to shut that down.

Sure, you could be honest and tell them directly that you’re not interested in pursuing anything romantic with them. However, that isn’t fun for anyone, and it even has the potential to be dangerous since you never know how that person will handle the rejection.

A TikTok creator named Jo Brundza (@jbrundz) is sharing a foolproof strategy for how to make a guy you’re not interested in run fast and far away from you. It’s entertaining and doesn’t require you to reject them outright.

Whenever she goes on a first date with a guy and comes to the realization that she does not want another, she pretends to believe that the moon isn’t real, squashing any chances of the possibility of a second date from happening.

“From the point of that realization on, I spend the rest of that date trying to convince the other person that I don’t think the moon is real. Not like I think the moon landing is fake. I think the moon itself is not real,” said Jo. In the caption of the video, she noted that the people she used this trick on were “typically too stunned to argue back.”

Many TikTok users raced to the comments section, praising Jo for her genius idea. Several others even shared the techniques they utilized to drive guys away.

“I say horoscopes are the destiny, tarot cards are the truth, barbie movie is the new Bible, they lose interest so fast,” commented one user.

“A marine recruiter cold texted me recently. I decided to convince him that I didn’t believe in the ocean. Pretty sure he blocked me,” stated another.

Anatoliy Karlyuk – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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