
Her Fiancé Just Broke Up With Her A Month Before Their Wedding, And She’s Devastated He Did This

Joe Hendrickson - illustrative purposes only

This 30-year-old woman and her 30-year-old fiancé were together for a whole decade, and they both happened to be one another’s first official relationship.

Throughout the 10 years they spent together, they were able to overcome a lot of obstacles that would have broken a lot of people up.

Her fiancé actually cheated on her six years ago, and she was able to forgive him for what he did and move on.

Then, two years ago, her fiancé proposed to her, and their wedding was supposed to happen in one month.

But, last night, her fiancé shocked her by saying he always considered himself to be the “bad guy” in their relationship, yet it dawned on him recently that she’s the problem and the “toxic one.”

She was horrified and hurt that he could say something like that to her face, especially considering the fact that he was the one who cheated, not her.

Her fiancé also feels that she belittles him by asking him to take his shoes off their new furniture or when walking around in their house in general.

He also cited her asking him to make sure he doesn’t leave dirty dishes in their kitchen as an example of this.

“He kept calling me toxic during our last conversation last night,” she explained. “He said that he always thought that he was the bad guy and that I was perfect but now realizes that I’m the bad guy. I’ve never used these terms, these were strictly his.”

Joe Hendrickson – illustrative purposes only

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