
She Suffers From Chronic Illness, And Wishes Her Boyfriend Could Be With Someone Who Isn’t Sick Like Her

New Africa - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 24-year-old woman became a licensed doctor not too long ago.

She has an amazing boyfriend, and she believes that, on paper, she should be content with her life.

However, she suffers from chronic illness.

“Over the course of a year, I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism (under control), early onset ulcerative colitis (meaning it was accidentally found during a colonoscopy done for other things and that I don’t have symptoms yet), polycystic ovary syndrome, and my doctors are very close to diagnosing me with dysautonomia (the main diagnosis on the table right now is POTS), gastroparesis, and there is a high suspicion I might have Ehlers Danlos syndrome. I was previously diagnosed with a rare type of hereditary anemia (which is recessive, meaning no one in my family has it that we are aware of),” she said.

Unfortunately, she also suffers from regular migraines. Plus she also has thoracolumbar junction syndrome, which is a chronic pain condition and, more specifically, a “complex regional pain syndrome.” As far as medical experts in the field have researched, it’s one of the most painful conditions that they are aware of.

Currently, she is confined to her bed for the third time over the last weeks due to intense nausea and a horrible headache.

She hasn’t eaten much at all this week because even thinking about food makes her so nauseated that she has to be sick. She didn’t feel well enough to leave the house until this past Saturday.

In the country she lives in, she can’t start working until January. As of right now, she’s cramming for a big exam that she’ll be taking at the end of November.

Over this past weekend, she was with her boyfriend, and she had to make sure to pack all of her medications to take with her. Even while keeping up with her medications, it didn’t make her feel good enough to eat.

New Africa – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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