
She Finally Told Her Friend That The Reason Why They Aren’t Invited To Hang Out With Their Friend Group Anymore Is Because Their Baby Is Always Brought Along

Wayhome Studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

While watching your friends become parents is exciting, it can also be kind of sad, as once they become parents, their life changes, and there’s a good chance you might start spending less time together.

One woman recently had a confrontation with her friend who hasn’t been invited to hang out with their friend group as much because she takes her baby everywhere.

She’s 24 and has a group of friends around the same age. One of them is Anna, and she had a baby six months ago, making her the first of their friends to become a parent.

Before Anna had her baby, their friend group always hung out together and could do whatever they wanted. But since Anna gave birth, their entire dynamic changed because Anna wanted to bring her baby with her whenever she was with them. 

Going out with Anna and her baby came with strict rules. Even if they found a place to go that made it easy for Anna to take her baby, the rest of the group wasn’t allowed to drink because Anna couldn’t, they weren’t allowed to be loud because the baby needed sleep, and Anna’s baby would fuss almost the entire time.

They’ve tried asking Anna to leave her baby at home and have warned her when they want to have “adults only” nights, but Anna’s been refusing to leave her baby at home with her boyfriend or a babysitter.

“It was just a downer for the rest of us,” she said.

“So we started hanging out without Anna and her baby. Last weekend, all of us went on a staycation. We had a great time and posted photos and videos on Instagram. Anna saw these and called me to ask why I did not ask her to come.”

Not wanting to hurt Anna’s feelings, she told her that their group had booked last-minute rooms at a resort that wasn’t kid-friendly. Then, Anna did some digging and found on social media that families with kids stayed at that resort and called her bluff.

Wayhome Studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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