
She Followed Her Boyfriend Back To A Hotel After He Stayed Out Late And Actually Caught Him Cheating On Camera

Diana Vyshniakova - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

TikToker Savana Miles (@datzme2.0) detailed how she followed her boyfriend to a hotel after he had told her he would be going out late and caught him cheating on camera.

It was 3:33 in the morning, and he had turned his location off on his phone. Savana was sitting in the parking lot and pointed out his vehicle parked across the way.

She lamented over the fact that she had paid for a lawyer to help him get custody of his kids just for him to cheat on her.

In a second video, she recorded her boyfriend walking up to his car and opening the passenger door for a girl, capturing solid evidence so that he would not be able to lie his way out.

In a follow-up video, she addressed some of the questions and comments she had been receiving and revealed that this was the third instance in which a boyfriend had cheated on her.

So, Savana had been dating this guy since January. He was flying back and forth to Colorado in order to see her.

She also dated him when she was 18. After that, they were not together for ten years, and in that time, he had two kids. Throughout the decade, they had been in contact with each other, although it was infrequent.

Eventually, they rekindled their relationship, and when her lease was up in Colorado, she decided to move in with him. The mother of his children is not in the picture.

Regarding the lawyer she paid for, Savana explained that he had the money to pay for the lawyer, but she was able to pay for everything upfront. So, that’s what she did, and since then, he has been paying her back in installments.

Diana Vyshniakova – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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