
She’s Liked Girls For Her Whole Life, But Now She Has A Crush On A Guy For The Very First Time, But She’s Worried He Won’t Like Her Back

Vera -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Vera - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 19-year-old girl admits that she is pretty “butch” and has always liked girls for her whole life. But now, she’s finding herself crushing on a guy for the very first time.

Ever since she was little, she knew she liked girls and only girls. She’s nearing 20, and she’s no longer feeling the same way that she always has.

It’s honestly embarrassing for her how “girlish” this crush is making her feel. She also isn’t sure that this guy even likes her or will be accepting of her for the way that she is.

“I’m very masculine; I wear exclusively men’s clothes and underwear, and I don’t own a razor aside from the clippers I use to shave my head,” she explained.

“I tried dating boys in my early teens because I thought there was something wrong with me, not because I liked them, and it just wasn’t for me.”

“I met him at work, he’s a fresh-out-of-academy cop who comes in the store from time to time, on duty and off. I wasn’t really interested in him, but one night, something just clicked in me.”

It all started when one of her friends ended up getting arrested due to her warrants. She spent that entire evening worried sick about her.

When she got off of work that night, she saw this cop pulling someone over in the parking lot at her job.

After he finished up, she approached him and asked him if he happened to know who had arrested her friend.

Vera – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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