
He’s Upset Because His Wife Keeps Hanging Out With A Single Guy While He’s At Work And Not Telling Him Beforehand

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old guy is currently married to his wife Susan, who is 30. Right now, Susan works part-time, and she is also the primary caregiver to their two sons– who are just 2 and 3-years-old.

So, on Wednesdays, his in-laws have begun watching the boys for his wife. That way, Susan can get some alone time and a day to herself.

Now, he also works and sometimes tries to take off on Wednesdays so he can spend quality time with his wife.

“But naturally, I can’t take every week off,” he said.

So, on three occasions when he was not able to take off work, his wife decided to meet up with one of their single male friends– a guy named Josh, who is 32.

His wife and Josh went out for coffee and hikes together, and honestly, he wasn’t thrilled about it.

In fact, they got into an argument because he and Susan had planned to go hiking at one specific spot together. Yet, his wife didn’t wait for him and went with Josh instead.

On another occasion, he also suggested that he and his wife make some plans on a random Wednesday, but his wife admitted to having already made plans with Josh that day. She also claimed that she just forgot to put the hangout in their shared calendar.

“I was upset and asked her to let me know when she’s catching up with him in advance,” he recalled.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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