
She Snapped At Her Coworker For Constantly Teasing Her Over The College She Attended, Even Though It’s A Prestigious Ivy League

pikselstock - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever been teased or judged for the college you went to?

It can be incredibly insulting, especially because attending and graduating college, no matter which one, is a very impressive achievement.

One young woman recently snapped at her coworker, who was constantly teasing her over the school she went to.

She’s 22-years-old and recently graduated from Cornell University. If you didn’t already know, aside from being a prestigious Ivy League school, Cornell was made very famous on the hit sitcom “The Office” through the character of Andy Bernard, who would constantly brag about his alma mater. 

“I’m used to being teased about it, but anything related to Andy Bernard just gets on my last nerve,” she explained.

“After four years of the same joke, I just see it as so uncreative and irritating that people perceive all of us like that, but it’s largely been a non-issue.”

After graduation, she began working as a legal assistant at a law firm along with other recent college graduates. 

One of them is a girl named Ally, who graduated from Harvard and will find every excuse she can to show off her university. Ally often brings Harvard merchandise to the office and loves to tell her coworkers stories of her time there.

When Ally first saw the little Cornell graduation pendant she kept at her desk, she immediately began teasing her. Ally told her she went to the “worst Ivy League” and quickly started calling her Andy.

pikselstock – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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