
She Wishes Her Boyfriend Talked Less About Himself And Left More Space For Her To Socialize In Conversations, But She’s Not Sure If She Should Ask Him To Reel It In

kues1 - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently in a six-year relationship with her boyfriend, and they even have a baby together.

She feels like her boyfriend is an extremely interesting person, too. Apparently, he has a ton of hobbies and is still very passionate about every single one.

“He has a very exciting life, which is not common where we live, and he loves to connect and talk to people about all of his hobbies and experiences,” she said.

However, there is just one main problem: she thinks that her boyfriend talks too much about himself.

Don’t get me wrong– whenever her boyfriend talks to people, they always listen to what he has to say. So, she doesn’t think he is being downright rude or anything.

“It is also not pretentious,” she added.

“It is in an ongoing joke between him and his friends that he has the personality of a golden retriever.”

Nonetheless, she has already heard all of her boyfriend’s stories a million times. So, when they meet new people, she’d like to hear about their life– or at the very least just engage in some small talk– instead of hearing her boyfriend go on and on again.

Yet, the moment he enters a discussion, the conversation always comes back to her boyfriend’s interests, and he could talk about them for hours.

kues1 – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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