
Her Boyfriend Completely Ignored Her On A Beach Vacation With His Family, Which Left Her Heartbroken And Confused

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This 27-year-old woman and her boyfriend, 30, went on a trip recently. It was the first time they’d gone on vacation with his family and her son, 8.

She and her boyfriend have been in a relationship for several months, and this isn’t the first time that everyone going on the trip has been introduced to one another.

They’d rented a beach house six hours away, and she and her son rode with her boyfriend while his parents drove their car. By the time they got to the beach house, it was pretty late in the day.

Once everyone got settled, they had dinner, played games, and went to sleep.

The following day, her boyfriend picked out all the places to go. He’d been to this area before, but this was her first time there, so he enjoyed pointing out all the cool places to her.

His parents had been doing their own thing most of the day, so she and her boyfriend went shopping, walked along the beach, and had a fantastic day together.

Later on, she and her boyfriend met up with his parents for lunch, and then they all returned to the beach house and played some card games together.

“I started noticing my boyfriend pull away whenever I touched his arm or leg and thought maybe it was because his parents were right there. Then, he started making jokes about leaving me there since we took his car,” she said.

The next day, her boyfriend didn’t want to hug, kiss, or even hold hands. He became extremely distant and didn’t talk to her at all but talked to everyone else on the trip while she sat and listened. It got worse when he wouldn’t even look at her. He refused to interact with her all day long.

icemanphotos – illustrative purposes only

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