
He Laughed Out Loud In His Wife’s Face When She Brought Up Her Retirement Plan, Because She’s Struggled To Hold Down A Job Throughout Their Marriage

baranq - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re in a relationship and find yourself working a lot harder than the other person, it can be really frustrating.

One man recently had an outburst with his wife, who has struggled to hold down a consistent job throughout their marriage.

He and his wife have been married for 16 years. They met in college and got married before they graduated. He dropped out of school after finding out she was pregnant so he could work full-time, and she stayed enrolled until she was about seven months along.

After they began having children, they came to an agreement that his wife would be a stay-at-home mom until their kids were old enough to spend most of the day at school. Then, she would be able to return to work. 

Now, their youngest child has been going to school for the last six years, and his wife has struggled to commit to a career path.

“She has been back to school four times for different things each time and has worked maybe one year [out] of the 16 years we’ve been married,” he explained.

“I’ve supported everything she wanted to do. She’s had multiple [multilevel marketing], craft-making, and business ventures with friends over this time period, and she doesn’t stay with any of them for more than a year, at most.”

His wife’s work struggles have been frustrating him for a long time, especially because since she first became pregnant, he’s worked extremely hard and advanced to higher-paying jobs to keep their family afloat. He’s even returned to school and received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Over the last few years, his frustrations with his wife have built up. Since the kids have been in school, she’s only taken around three substitute teacher gigs in the last year. Other than that, she spends most of her time at home.

baranq – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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