
His Roommate’s Date Went Terribly Wrong, And This Girl Yelled In A Parking Lot Before Crawling Out From Underneath Some Bushes And Causing Chaos In Their Neighborhood

Kenneth Keifer - - illustrative purposes only
Kenneth Keifer - - illustrative purposes only

At some point in their lives, many people have had too much to drink and gotten super drunk. Sometimes, it can result in some hilarious stories, but in this particular case, it was no laughing matter.

TikToker DeLonte Close (@delonteclose) is sharing about how his roommate’s Tinder date went terribly wrong.

In the initial video he posted, a woman can be seen yelling in a parking lot, where she tripped, fell to the ground, and began crying about how the night was going. The video cuts to her crawling out from underneath some bushes.

Then, DeLonte filmed his roommate wrapping a blanket around the woman as she lay on a couch. The clip ended with her making a scene and someone in the background saying they were calling the cops.

DeLonte dove into more detail about what happened that night in a six-part series on TikTok. So his roommate had informed him that his Tinder date would be coming over to their place. DeLonte was on the deck when she arrived and saw her and his roommate talking.

Immediately after inviting her inside, his roommate texted him, stating that she didn’t really look like the photos she had posted on her Tinder profile.

While there, she poured herself a glass of wine, and they all started playing a board game together. The board game was fun at first and the conversation was fine, but DeLonte eventually grew tired of the game.

So he suggested that they go to a bar and play some pool. Everyone agreed, so they headed over to the bar and ordered a round of drinks.

They ended up playing about four games of pool, and in between each game, they continued sipping on their drinks. His roommate’s date also ordered some shots.

Kenneth Keifer – – illustrative purposes only

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