
Her Boyfriend’s Teen Daughter Accused Her Of Not Trying To Get To Know Her, And Now Her Boyfriend Is Worried That She Has Zero Interest In His Daughter

galina_kovalenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
galina_kovalenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Things can get complicated when you enter a relationship with someone with children, especially when those children are teenagers. 

One woman is unsure of what to do after she started feeling pressured by her boyfriend to bond with his 13-year-old daughter. 

She’s 28-years-old, and her boyfriend of nine months is 45 and has a 13-year-old daughter.

About five months ago, she started seeing her boyfriend less and less due to the fact that he is a busy CEO and has a lot going on.

They usually only see each other once or twice a week. Six months ago, she met his daughter for the first time. His daughter is only with him for 10 to 12 days each month. 

Since their first meeting, she’s seen his daughter only a handful of times, which hasn’t necessarily gone well.

She’s very quiet and shy, and his daughter has a similar personality. She also hasn’t had to really interact or hang out with teenagers before now, so their experiences have been a bit awkward. 

Recently, she spent an evening with her boyfriend and his daughter, and it raised some concerns for him.

Apparently, his daughter went to him and said something about how she wasn’t taking the initiative to get to know her. Now, her boyfriend worries that she has zero interest in connecting with his daughter.

galina_kovalenko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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