
She Has A Fruity Dessert Recipe Called Strawberry Pretzel Salad

baibaz - - illustrative purposes only
baibaz - - illustrative purposes only

Can a dish really be called a salad if it does not contain any vegetables? Why, yes, it can! A salad is classified as a cold dish with a mixture of ingredients. It’s usually served with a dressing or set in gelatin.

Here is a deliciously sweet and fruity dessert that technically falls into the category of “salad.” TikToker Hannah (@hannah__ford) is sharing a recipe for strawberry pretzel salad.

It’s salty, crunchy, and creamy at the same time. You can experience each of these tastes and textures all in one bite.

Its key ingredients include salted pretzels, strawberries, jello, and a cream cheese filling. The salad consists of three layers. It goes pretzels first, cream cheese in the middle, and strawberries and jello on the top.

Start by adding two and a half cups of mini pretzels into a plastic baggie, then smashing them into small bits and pieces.

Next, melt one stick of butter in a pan and add a quarter cup of sugar. Stir it well, and pour in the bag of crushed pretzels.

Dump the pretzel mixture into a glass baking dish and spread it evenly along the bottom of the container to create the crust. Bake it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for ten minutes.

While the pretzel mixture is baking in the oven, work on the cream cheese filling. In a small bowl, add eight ounces of softened cream cheese, a half cup of sugar, and a tub of Cool Whip.

Mix everything together, then layer it over the baked pretzels once they have cooled down. Refrigerate it for thirty minutes.

baibaz – – illustrative purposes only

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