
His Friend Asked Him To Pretend To Be Her Baby’s Father So That Her Family Will Keep Financially Supporting Her

vpavlyuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
vpavlyuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Becoming a mother at a young age can be very frightening, especially if you’re going to be a single parent. 

One man is at a loss for what to do after his young, pregnant friend asked him to pretend to be her baby’s father so that her family will continue financially supporting her. 

He’s 20 years old and has a 21-year-old friend from college who’s pregnant. Unfortunately, the baby’s father is someone she met on a dating app who ghosted and blocked her on all platforms after she told him she was pregnant. 

His friend’s parents were not happy to hear about this unexpected pregnancy and aren’t aware of who the baby’s father is. However, they told her that they expect him to be involved.

“One of the stipulations that her stepfather had if he was to support her and the child financially was that the father had to be involved to some extent with expenses,” he explained.

“Nobody is forcing her to marry him or be in a relationship with him, but her family does not want her to be a single parent.”

His friend can’t afford to be cut off financially because she wants to finish school and has no job. So, she’s been lying to her parents and telling them she speaks to her baby’s father semi-regularly. 

She got away with flying under the radar until now because her parents are throwing a gender reveal party for her and are insisting on seeing the baby’s father there.

His friend has been panicking to find someone that could lie and say they’re her baby’s father for the party to please her parents.

vpavlyuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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